It’s been three months now, since we started Swagyan Mandir. As we planted seeds for the first time, something was being planted in me too. For the first time I was working with soil and land, waking up at 6 and coming here to do some manual work felt good to my body and soul. And yet from time to time a longing to travel and be wanderer would emerge again. “Discipline Madhu”, I would tell myself, just live this moment, do what you can and be present watching all that is arising and passing. Another gift which came while staying here is spending time with Reva. We built a small tree house for her and just yesterday we put mud and cow dung on the heart surrounding it.
Coming to Swagyan helps me calm down, to go within, I have to just show up in this space and it tells me what needs to be done..just like life itself..can we show up to life with all our heart and embrace whatever emerges. I still sometimes wonder where I belong..whats my space and role in this vast universe, only life will tell..till then smile and love wherever you are with all your heart
Devesh, Rina and Diken preparing mud
Putting mud and cowdung on the heart
Reva testing the tree house