And I finally turn 30 🙂 This moment that I was dreading most now turns out to be the most beautiful. What better gift to myself than being in Ahmedabad. A long time dream come true. It’s almost been two months here and never for a moment I asked my purpose. It felt a calling, natural and destined. It made me complete. The start it self was auspicious with getting a beautiful 3 bedroom apartment as a gift from a complete stranger (Now an elder brother). Somebody had once helped Dakshesh Bhai when his vehicle broke down in highway and now he is paying it forward in so many different ways. Like sugar in water, instantly we were dissolved and accepted by the Manav Sadhna family. It felt belonged. Their simplicity and hearts full of love humbled me and slowly I found myself opening to love again. People said I was glowing and I too felt I was smiling a lot. Compassion was in the air. Doing small things seemed meaningful. Together we cleaned bus stops and in the process cleaned ourselves, together we watched inspiring films in seva café and learnt to see goodness in all and together we meditated on wednesdays through which we went within. Unlearning was fun and being human again felt alive.
I realized the smallness of me when I saw the invisible everyday heroes around and yet I saw the divine in me with potential of infinite love and capacity to serve. Words of king echoed “everybody can be great because everybody can serve”.
Life is indeed beautiful 🙂